Procleespse - Gquiz (Team of 4)
Published to Appstore
Worked as Team technical lead
Developed, fixed and adapted UI
Helped launch on Appstore
Selene Studios - Project Artemis (team of 7)( VR Project)
Collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency and the Canadian
Aviation and Space Museum
Designed and programmed main menu
Designed and programmed in-game tablet menu (diegetic UI)
Developed gravity controller
Designed and implemented fader
Developed sound on collision system.
Added Haptic Feedback to controllers
Resolved UI issues and implemented improvements for optimal user
Team Project Grapple Heroes (Team of 5)
Designed and Developed initial Game Design
Integrated all of the grappling functionality( Swing/Pull towards/Crosshair)
Integrated all of the animations
Integrated all of the camera functionality
Created Shader for non playable areas
Developed some of the interactions
Game Jam “SaltW JuneJam” – For Life and Science (Team of 4)
Team Lead: coordinated team efforts in-person.
Game Programmer (C++/Unreal Engine 5): designed and implemented all
Solo Project - Telegram Chatbot
Successfully integrated OpenAI API with Telebot API.
Developed a GPT-3.5-turbo powered chatbot capable of maintaining
context and recalling recent messages
Implemented multiple custom features for a better User Experience.
Added Image-generation functionality within the chatbot.
Solo Project - Discord Music Bot
Successfully integrated and utilized Youtube API with Discord API.
Developed a Discord bot capable of playing music from Youtube.
Implemented multiple custom features such as creating lists and the ability to replay the last song and switch between songs within the list for a better User Experience.
The Red Painting (Team of 5)
Team Lead: coordinated team efforts online and in-person.
Game Programmer (C++/Unreal Engine 4): designed and implemented most game